Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm on tour

I am on tour right now with my husband in our humble little duo of a fun having band, Before Dawn... ( For some reason it is difficult for me to blog on the road. I feel like I need an abundance of uniterrupted time and a clear and concise topic. I might have blogging anxiety. Oh, I have to sound "smart " and have something "worthwhile" to say etc... But right now I am just forcing myself to write.

So here is what's going on... We have two more shows left on our tour. Orlando and Los Angeles! I am looking forward to them both very much. Then finally we will get a bit of a breather and be able to finish our album, "Brush with Greatness" ( So close yet so far away)!

There are a lot of blogs on deck too! A feminist blog where I interview some of my former high school teachers. Uuuum and a bunch of other cool stuff too. I have a new awesome recipe for everyone as well, a Chocolate torte. I also have some social commentary stuff that I have realized about my value system as it applies to the American ideals that surround fame and fortune and my personal lack of regard for these things... I prefer people who do things for others as opposed to those who flaunt Jimmy Choo shoes. Anyone else on that page?

I really will try to stay more current with my blogs and this is a start, though I am not making any grand promises. By the way, Sarasota rocks! Seriously, some of our most awesome and enthusiastic fans are Sarasotians! Oh and our new quest is booking colleges. So if anyone wants to book us at their college or knows someone who would, for the love of Jean Luc Picard, please throw us a bone! I think we are going to start working on some music videos as well.

Peace and Rock and Roll,

p.s. Just because you write something down does not mean that you have failed if it does not come to fruition. Perhaps if I write ALL of my ideas down, publicly, some of them will be put into motion just by virtue of putting them out there into the universe. It's a thought...

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